Tag: noodles

Cookbook 179 – To Asia with Love

After hearing many people rave about Hetty McKinnon and her cookbooks, I bought To Asia with Love hoping it would be a great addition to my collection. It is an interesting cookbook, with some things I want to still try and one recipe that I don’t think I’ll ever eat again, though Nigel wants to …

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Cookbook 167: All Under Heaven: Recipes from the 35 Cusines of China

All Under Heaven: Recipes from the 35 Cusines of China by Carolyn Phillips was a birthday or Christmas gift to me by Scott some time ago. It’s another book that I cooked from in 2019 and lost all the photos (and memories) of, so I cooked from it again. I want to state for the …

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Cookbook 142: Week Light

So… I hope isolation is treating you well, that you’ve survived CoVid successfully so far. It’s been a ride, and it isn’t even close to over yet. Please get vaccinated when a vaccine is found, it’s better to be inoculated than not (no, I will not be accepting arguments at this time). Also, sorry for …

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Cookbook 110: Vegie Food: from vegies on the side to the main event

My sister kindly gave me this book recently, she found it at a second-hand shop going cheaply and she thought I’d like the recipes in it.  She wasn’t wrong, Vegie Food: from vegies on the side to the main event, is full of great recipes.  It’s also out of print so probably generally hard to …

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Cookbook 92: Fast Asian

Fast Asian, a part of the Family Circle mini cookbooks, was picked up somewhere, and like many of my cookbooks prior to this project, never used.  Which, as it turns out, is an absolute shame, because there are some top recipes in this book, and as it promises, they are fast.  It took more time …

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Cookbook 89: The Australian Women’s Weekly Stir Fries

I have no idea where the AWW Stir Fries cookbook came from, and really I don’t recommend it to you.  There are plenty of other AWW cookbooks that do stir fries better, and plenty of other cookbooks that do stir fries better. The instructions are well written, the picture with each recipe looks appetising, but …

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Cookbook 53: fast food

This time we cooked from a book purporting to be all about fast food, that being food that is fast to prepare and cook versus fast food you might choose to purchase from a fast food venue.  There are many things wrong with this book, which means I really can’t recommend it unless you’re happy …

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