September 2014 archive

Cookbook 88: Tagines & Couscous

I purchased the Australian Women’s Weekly Tagines & Couscous when I was teaching myself how to make Moroccan food, and then never cooked from it because I had several other Moroccan cookbooks which were less focused on certain cooking types.  Like all modern/recent AWW cookbooks, this one is well laid out with clear instructions for …

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Cookbook 87: Food & Cooking of South America

Food & Cooking of South America by Jenni Fleetwood and Marina Filippelli was another of my “Hey look, a cookbook for $10” purchases.  And like some of the other purchases of this type that I have made, this one wasn’t a good choice for me.  Many of the recipes in the book are of food …

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Things to do with left over roast lamb: Moussaka

A while ago I had a fair amount of left over roast lamb, and I really didn’t want it to go to waste, but wasn’t 100% sure what I wanted to do with it.  I remembered the lamb moussaka I made from More Than One Way, and decided to adapt that recipe to make a …

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