All Under Heaven: Recipes from the 35 Cusines of China by Carolyn Phillips was a birthday or Christmas gift to me by Scott some time ago. It’s another book that I cooked from in 2019 and lost all the photos (and memories) of, so I cooked from it again. I want to state for the …
Tag: onion
Sep 28
Cookbook 158: Simply Bread
It’s hard to go past a good bread cookbook, and frustratingly with the constantly reducing number of bookshops in Melbourne, it’s hard to browse bread cookbooks to know if they are good or not (or have the types of bread I want to cook). Thankfully this online purchase of Simply Bread by The Australian Women’s …
Jul 20
Cookbook 113: Breadmaking
This was definitely a second hand purchase, I know this because it has a dedication to Joan by Geavye (??) dated February 1984. Breadmaking by Jill Graham is way out of print. It’s a recipe book of bread, and really that’s all I want sometimes – a whole lot of bread, freshly made and so …
Jun 16
Cookbook 109: The Edible Garden cookbook
I bought The Australian Women’s Weekly, The Edible Garden Cookbook: Growing and cooking vegetables and herbs online from a discount store so there weren’t any reviews and I didn’t really know what I was getting. It wasn’t what I expected. I was expecting more of a book covering the preservation of produce with the occasional …
Jul 05
Cookbook 81: Margaret Fulton’s Book of Quick Meals
Firstly, the recipes in Margaret Fulton’s Book of Quick Meals are not actually by Margaret Fulton, but by Michelle Berriedale Johnson. That of course doesn’t stop them being quite tasty, though in some cases definitely a product of their time. This book is designed to take advantage of frozen or pre-packaged foods where appropriate in …
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