November 2014 archive

Cookbook 95: the CSIRO total wellbeing diet

The CSIRO total wellbeing diet is a high protein, low carb diet put together by the CSIRO (and the Australian meat industry).  As it is very vegetarian unfriendly, I cooked a casserole from this book on a day when no vegetarians were present.  Also, being a book full of meat, there were no vegetable side-dishes …

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Cookbook 94: Chocolate

I’ve been saving up Chocolate by Trish Deseine for a day when baking lots of chocolate was an excellent idea, and what better time than just before Scott’s birthday?  This book is a range of chocolate recipes, from relatively simple biscuits (see Shortbread below), sauces, spreads, cakes and more. The instructions in the book are …

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Cookbook 93: Fat-Free Vegetarian

When my husband started dating a vegetarian, he bought some vegetarian cookbooks to cook for his new partner.  Not that my husband does a lot of cooking mind you, but he wanted to have options of things to cook.  This is one of those purchases – and Fat-Free Vegetarian lies, because it’s not all fat …

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Cookbook 92: Fast Asian

Fast Asian, a part of the Family Circle mini cookbooks, was picked up somewhere, and like many of my cookbooks prior to this project, never used.  Which, as it turns out, is an absolute shame, because there are some top recipes in this book, and as it promises, they are fast.  It took more time …

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