Category: admin

Moving the website

Hi all Today I was notified that I can no longer use the URL because the rules for that nameserver no longer allow websites for hobbies or special interests (from March 2022 apparently). So what does this mean? I’m going to rebrand the website and move it to another host. For people who have …

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I have a new page!

I thought it might be useful to pull together some videos of various cooking techniques that may not be familiar to everyone – as well as those pesky oven temperature guides (so you don’t have to ask what exactly is a “moderate oven”). So I now have a How to information and other useful things …

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Quick news

Just to let you all know that the Cook Book Project will be on a brief hiatus while I enjoy myself at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival.  Cooking will resume on the 21st (if I am not completely wiped out from a late night party the night before) and in the meantime why don’t you …

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Welcome to my project!

Hi there and welcome to my Cook Book project.  I am somewhat addicted to buying cook books, the idea of being able to cook tasty food from all around the world just seems so ripe with possibilities that I find it very hard to resist purchasing more and more books.  This of course is silly …

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