Tag: banana

Cookbook 194: The Margaret Fulton Cookbook

I’ve loved Margaret Fulton since I found some of her themed cookbooks cheap at a newsagent or book store when I was in year 12. I’ve cooked from her Indian, casserole, quick meals, and Italian cookbooks. It was a sad day in 2019 when she passed away at the grand age of 94, as she …

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Cookbook 192: The Australian Women’s Weekly Baking: The Complete Collection

On biscuits and cakes

Cookbook 62: Favourite Cake Recipes

I was sick and busy, it was the last weekend of my holidays before I returned to work after Christmas, so I decided I’d make cakes – something easy that didn’t take too much time, and yet would be nice and tasty.  I found (and we don’t know who it belongs to in the house) …

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Cookbook 51: Cakes & Slices Cookbook

This week I cooked from one of my favourite cake cookbooks, the Australian Women’s Weekly, Cakes and Slices Cookbook (available second hand in places if you look for it).  I wanted to steal my mother’s copy of this book when I moved out of home I loved it so much, but she wouldn’t let me.  …

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Cookbook 25: Bake: Celebrating the time-honoured tradition of home baking

I had a busy weekend, and so thought I’d do some baking, and I was bought a wonderful bench mixer by a fantastic group of people who love me, so I couldn’t not use it because that would be rude.  I chose to cook from the Australian Women’s Weekly, Bake: Celebrating the time-honoured tradition of …

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Cookbook 20: The Complete Cook’s Encyclopedia of Spices

To put it simply, this book is amazing.  I bought The Complete Cook’s Encyclopedia of Spices by Sallie Morris and Lesley Mackley for a whole $10 at a Readings Bargain sale.  I got all my money’s worth and then some.  Not only does it have a great selection of recipes, but it also contains, as …

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Cookbook 13: Brownies, Fudges & Toppings

I decided that it was time for more sweet things, and this week looked at the Family Circle mini cookbook on Brownies, Fudges & Toppings (now out of print).  The recipes are all straight forward, the instructions clear (and obviously tested) and they are so very very very tasty.

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