Tag: cream

Cookbook 194: The Margaret Fulton Cookbook

I’ve loved Margaret Fulton since I found some of her themed cookbooks cheap at a newsagent or book store when I was in year 12. I’ve cooked from her Indian, casserole, quick meals, and Italian cookbooks. It was a sad day in 2019 when she passed away at the grand age of 94, as she …

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Cookbook 145: Anthony Bourdain’s Les Halles Cookbook

My wonderful Scott bought me Anthony Bourdain’s Les Halles Cookbook: Strategies, Recipes, and Techniques of Classic Bistro Cooking for my birthday. It’s a fantastic book. Bourdain starts up by insulting you (the reader) in the introduction: This book aims to be a field manual to strategy and tactics, which means that in the following pages, …

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Cookbook 131: Pasta

I found this in a box of stuff Scott’s parents had given him, which had been sitting in the garage for some time.  Hamlyn’s CookSmart, Easy Cooking Great Eating, Pasta, seems to be out of print in the edition I have (here), but I believe the first one I linked to is more or less …

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